AmCham Publikon Indeksin e Biznesit për periudhën 2020-2021

Amcham Index 2021

Dhoma Amerikane e Tregtisë në Shqipëri publikoi sot më 8 Shtator 2021 edicionin e 9-të të Indeksit të Biznesit, i njohur për perceptimin e klimës së B...

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20 Years with AmCham Albania – Networking Event

20 Year AmCham Albania

Dhoma Amerikane nderon anëtarët e parë 20 vjet anëtar i Dhomës Amerikane 20 vjet anëtar i  AmCham Albania, është sigluar në emblemën simbol...

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AmCham in Albania published the “Investment Agenda 2021”, with 40 recommendations to improve Business Climate

Axhenda e Investimeve 2021

The American Chamber of Commerce in Albania published today the “Investment Agenda 2021”, a package of 40 recommendations to the Governmen...

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AmCham representatives meet with the head of AKBN

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Oil and gas sector: Navigating business operations and regulations The American Chamber of Commerce in Albania held a meeting with the head of the ...

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Albanian Securities Exchange, AFSA, Grant Thornton and AmCham experts talk about the benefits brought by the capital market to investors


The capital market under a new regulatory system Discussing the topic: “Capital market and listing on the Albanian Securities Exchange as a f...

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AmCham and Tax Directorate discuss Fiscalization


How to properly implement the new tax reporting process, fiscal innovations explained The American Chamber of Commerce in Albania, in cooperation w...

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AmCham addresses the topic of integrity at 3rd Business Ethics Conference


Integrity as an ethical framework for businesses The American Chamber of Commerce in Albania has hosted the third Business Ethics Conference, which...

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AmCham Albania, NEWWAY Consulting and Strati & Kostopoulos Law explain to members: Copyright under the Albanian legal framework

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The American Chamber of Commerce in Albania, in cooperation with NEWWAY Consulting and Strati & Kostopoulos Law, organized an information session ...

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Deloitte Albania discusses Talent Management on fifth day of HR Open Week


Developing human potential to increase company performance HR Open Week’s fifth day focused on “Talent Management Training.” AmCham mem...

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On fourth day of HR Open Week, Kalo & Associates explains how working from home is legally regulated


How remote work is regulated by law   HR Open Week’s fourth day focused on “Legal Challenges of Telework” as a topic, with S...

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