The economy’s digitization and cyber security in the focus of the Digital Business Committee

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The economy’s digitization and cyber security will be the two main pillars of the focus of the annual work plan of the Digital Business Committee of A...

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One year on: AmChams in Europe steadfast in support for the people of Ukraine


Friday, 24 February 2023 – One year ago, Russia invaded Ukraine, violating international law, endangering peace and security across the region and cau...

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American investments and business partnership in the focus of the meeting with Mr. Dilawar Syed, Special Representative of Commercial and Business Affairs and the U.S. Ambassador Yuri Kim

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When it comes to the business and investment climate, AmCham and the State Department have the same goal – attracting more US investments in Albania.&...

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The Legal, Regulatory & IPR Committee meeting


Komiteti Ligjor, Rregullator & Pronësia Intelektuale ka organizuar takimin e parë pas zgjedhjeve për Komitete, ku është prezantuar Kryetarja Alban...

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AmCham established the Tourism and Hospitality Committee


“The establishment of the Tourism and Hospitality Committee was an implementation of the Board’s policy to bring an impact through the expertise...

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The meeting of the Committee for Investments and Trade


Nxitja e investimeve amerikane, është objektivi themelor i Dhomave Amerikane në Europë dhe Rajon. Për t’i shërbyer këtij qëllimi AmCham Albania ka kri...

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Media, is the AmCham best ally in efforts to improve the climate business


The work of all market actors contributes to economic prosperity, and AmCham believes that the media is one of the strongest allies in developing a st...

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Taxes & Customs Committee meeting


Following the election of the Committees, the Taxes & Customs Committee organized the first meeting, presenting the Chair of the Committee Alketa ...

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AmCham issues on SME’s challenges on alternative energy resources


The last Investment Council Meeting on “SME’s challenges in the frame of transitioning to alternative energy resources”, make us interlocutors in this...

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Kur teknologjia ndihmon për sigurinë e mjeteve rrugore

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AmCham Albania, DPSHTRR dhe Infosoft Systems dhe Motorola Solutions prezantojnë projektin e eMonitorimit Automatizimi i proçeseve të monitorim...

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