The American Chamber wishes the business community and all Albanians around the world, a Happy 110th Anniversary of Independence

grafika pavarisioa

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Women in Business and Leadership – PwC Albania


On November 14th, PwC Albania hosted in Tirana a networking event on the topic “Women in Business and Leadership”, which brought together high profile...

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AmCham zgjedh drejtuesit e rinj dhe bën analizën e punës së një viti


Dhoma Amerikane e Tregtisë organizoi Asamblenë e Përgjithshme 2022 me pjesëmarrjen e lartë të anëtarëve  të saj të cilët morën pjesë në votimin e...

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Enio Jaço: Koha për mundësi të reja! Bizneset po përballen me ekonominë e brishtë dhe largimin e fuqisë punëtore

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Presidenti i Dhomës Amerikane, Enio Jaço foli në Asamblenë e Përgjithshme të AmCham për situatën në të cilën ndodhen bizneset sot. Jaço tha se bizn...

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Trade mission with American ICT companies in Belgrade


The Trade Mission with the presence of 27 American companies organized in Belgrade in the framework of the Regional meeting of AmCham, was followed in...

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The Labor and Ethics Committee discusses employment policies


The development of human capital not just to serve the businesses but also to provide a long-term solution for the emigration of labor forces, must be...

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Dhoma Amerikane reagon për Paketën Fiskale 2023

Working in Albania - english (1)

Open (Pdf)

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AmCham brings together working group to discuss healthcare sector issues

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The American Chamber of Commerce in Albania organized a working meeting with healthcare sector representatives to create a new avenue of networking an...

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The Legal Committee talks about the laws changes that affect business

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The legal Committee had a meeting to discuss the lobbying processes on legislative changes, the way to build institutional relations with the administ...

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Tax Committee experts talk about advocacy and training processes


Tax Committee experts have met to discuss the lobbying processes in which the Chamber is involved, but also to implement the activities plan of the Co...

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