The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and World Health Organization (WHO) Survey

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Dhoma Nderkombetare e Tregtisë (ICC) në bashkëpunim me Organizatën Botërore të Shëndetësisë (WHO), janë duke organizuar një studim global që do të bëj...

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COVID-19 Economic News – 28.04.2020

Covid19 Economic News

Budget reviewed again – Denaj: In June, another normative act in favor of businesses – The Parliamentary Committee on Legal Affai...

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COVID-19 Economic News – 27.04.2020

Covid19 Economic News

Public debt rises since March – Government reports 66.7% of GDP, without correcting economic growth – Public debt has returned to...

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AmCham Lajmet e Antarëve – American Bank of Investments (ABI Bank)

AmCham member's news final

American Bank of Investments (ABI Bank) ABI Bank i ka dhuruar tre pajisje respiratore për terapi intensive sistemit shëndetësor, duke shprehur...

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Intervistë e Presidentit të Dhomës Amerikane të Tregtisë në News24

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AmCham në Shqipëri ka zhvilluar pak ditë më parë një anketim me një bazë të gjerë të anëtarëve të saj mbi ndikimin e Covid19 në fuqinë punëtore. Për t...

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COVID-19 Economic News – 24.04.2020

Covid19 Economic News

The exchange rate / Week closes negatively for the Euro and the Franc. The Pound and the Dollar are strengthening – The European ...

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Newsletter nr.3 (English & Shqip)

Newsletter 03 (Shqip & English)

NewsLetter_ANGLISHT_nr_3Download NewsLetter_Shqip_nr_3Shkarkoje

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AmCham Member’s News – World Vision Albania

AmCham member's news final

World Vision Albania In the extraordinary situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, World Vision Albania has supported 2,705 families or over...

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COVID-19 Economic News – 23.04.2020

Covid19 Economic News

The majority and the new opposition unite their votes. The State of Natural Disaster is postponed until June 23 – Parliament voted ...

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AmCham Member’s News – Iute Credit

AmCham member's news final

During the world pandemic situation created by COVID-19, IuteCredit Albania could not remain indifferent. Every year, IuteCredit uses a part of its an...

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