AmCham and AMA discuss implementation of legislation governing audiovisual evolution

<strong>AmCham and AMA discuss implementation of legislation governing audiovisual evolution</strong>

Representatives from the American Chamber of Commerce in Albania — Manager of Business Development and Services Arian Leco and Manager of Policy and Advocacy Fiona Kuqi — held a meeting with top executives at the Audio-visual Media Authority — Chairwoman Armela Krasniqi and Legal Director Sara Xhumbari. The meeting focused on the protection of AmCham members’ interests, with discussions about concrete cases and certain guidelines on the interpretation and correct application of the current legal framework.

The meeting served as a good opportunity to further institutional communication between AmCham Albania and AMA with the focus on coordinating and efficiently working together to help AmCham members that work in the sector regulated by AMA.

A general presentation of Albanian legislation as well as international guidelines and directives for audiovisual rights was offered at the meeting. The representatives of AMA also provided information on the improvement of its legal structure in accordance with the new technological developments, where work is currently being done to align the Albanian law with a new EU directive, which will bring innovation and is more in line with the latest developments.

AmCham representatives said they appreciated the cooperation and positive approach shown by AMA executives when faced with problems or concerns that require solutions from the legislation that is implemented by AMA.

AmCham member representatives at the meeting included Diogen Elshani, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Gjirafa Shqiperi, and Vjosa Daku, a project manager at the same company. They said they appreciated the cooperation of AMA and the coordinating role of AmCham for solving situations both in the framework of expertise, but also in lobbying with institutions.

AmCham will continue to work with AMA to find the best ways to resolve issues through dialogue in full compliance with the updated legislation based on the latest directives of the European authority, the European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media Services, ERGA.

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