Qytetet Inteligjente – Ballkani Perëndimor, përfshirë Shqipërinë përballë mundësive të investimeve Tech

Smart Cities are the future

Frymëzuar dhe nxitur nga ajo që teknologjia mund të bëjë në mjedisin urban dhe jetën e komuniteteve – sot, qytetet e zhvilluara janë fokusuar te...

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The interview with Elton Çollaku, Administrator of Union Financiar Tirane (UFT)

Screenshot 2022-07-elton collaku e fundit

The Bank of Albania has announced that in 2021 the highest level of remittances was recorded since 2009, about 761 million euros. How do you see this ...

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Interview of Momtchil Karpouzanov Ph.D, Academic Director of Graduate Program American University in Bulgaria

EMBA presentation 1

What it offers to the new business managers the Executive MBA? The Executive MBA at the American University in Bulgaria is a general-purpose postgr...

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Q&A with Igli Sulaj, Director of Investment and Special Projects Division- ABI Bank, projections for 2022


Q- Bank of Albania has noted that there was a downward trend in the banking sector in the first two months of the year. Adding to that the expected im...

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IFC prepared a guide on Debt resolution and business exit

Screenshot IFC

In the ambit of the Debt Resolution Phase II Project, the International Finance Corporation (IFC), member of the World Bank Group (WBG), with the supp...

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The AUBG EMBA Program: Upgrade Your Career


Established in 2003, the AUBG EMBA Program is the first Executive MBA program in Bulgaria and has successfully educated the business leaders of the re...

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AmCham President Enio Jaço explains how better policies can promote foreign investments

Presidenti i AmCham Enio Jaco

“An attractive policy on foreign investments is the key to the transition of the economy from ‘developing’ to ‘competitive&#82...

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Perspektiva e turizmit, potenciali që vjen nga tregu amerikan – Flet Nevila Dudaj,  Menaxhere e Përgjithshme e ADRIATIC TOURS LLC

Nevila Dudaj

Nga një raport i INSTAT mësohet se turistet amerikanë patën një rritje prej 43 për qind këtë sezon turistik. Ju keni qënë mjaft aktive në Panaire në A...

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Expropriation, just compensation and market value [Eng & Alb]

Anton Lezhja

An analysis by Ing. Anton Lezhja, MRICS, ASA, CF   Analysis by Anton Lezhja, Director of Valuation and Modelling at Deloitte Albania and K...

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Presidenti Enio Jaço letër falenderimi dhe ftesë bashkëpunimi kompanive anëtare për Axhendën e Investimeve

Presidenti i AmCham Enio Jaco

Letter-to-Members-Investment-AgendaDownload PDF Letra e Presidentit të AmCham, Enio Jaço drejtuar 220 kompanive anëtare të Dhomës Amerikane  “Të...

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