United Bank of Albania

  • Representative: Orfea Dhuci
  • Membership: Big Business
  • Address: Rr. Dritan Hoxha, Nd. 11, H. 3, Njësia Bashkiake Nr. 7, Kodi Postar 1023, Kutia Postare 128, Tirana
  • Contact: info@uba.com.al
  • Website: https://www.uba.com.al
  • Main Business Activity: Banking Activity

Company Overview: United Bank of Albania (UBA) is registered as a juridical person with the Decision No. 4315 date 13.05.1993 of Tirana District Court. Licensed by the Bank of Albania with the License No. 03 date 11.01.1999 “To operate as a bank in the Republic of Albania”. It exercises its activity in compliance with the Annexure attached to the License Nr. 03/1 which allows it the performance of all the banking activities according to the specifications of the article 4 of the Law No. 9662 date 18.12.2006 “On Banks in Republic of Albania”. UBA was established as the first Bank in Albania, whose purpose is to operate in accordance with Islamic banking principles.