Bursa Shqiptare e Titujve ALSE Sh.a.
- Representative: Nada Vokshi
- Membership: Associates
- Address: Rr. Nikolla Tupe, Nr. 1, Kati 3/1, Tirana
- Contact: [email protected]
- Website: https://www.alse.al
- Main Business Activity: Financial Sector. Trading Services for Securities Bought-Sold by Portfolio Investors. Membership Services to Banks and Brokerage Firms. Listing Services for Government & Business Issuing Entities.
Company Overview: Bursa Shqiptare e Titujve ALSE Sh.a., was launched in 2014 as an ambitious project with the support of Credins Bank, with the aim of creating a privately-owned electronic trading platform that would match the supply and demand for securities in Albania and fill the lack of a functional market (stock exchange), where domestic businesses can raise capital as an alternative capital to the banking sector.