Birra Korça Sh.p.k.
- Representative: Irfan Hysenbelliu
- Membership: Patron
- Address: Rr. Panorama, Kulla e Biznesit (prapa Shkollës Harry T. Fultz), Kodi Postar 1016, Tirana
- Contact: [email protected]
- Website:
- Main Business Activity: Brewery

Company Overview: Birra Korça is the first beer brewed in Albania, established in the city of Korça in 1928. The company holds the ISO 22000 and ISO 9001 certificates as well as several quality awards thus meeting the highest international standards in the beer industry. Beers under the Korça brand include: Blonde, European Ale type Pilsen 4.1% abv, Dark a 4.5% abv and Korca 01, European Ale, type lager 4.1% abv and the product is sold in bottles 0.5 lit and 0.33 lit, cans (aluminum) 0.5 and 0.33 lit, and in kegs 30 lit and 50 lit.