2017 at a Quick Glance in AmCham Albania

Pamphlet Web

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Formulari i ofertes

Dhoma Amerikane (AmCham) është një organizatë biznesi, e cila ka në focus anëtarët e saj dhe nevojat e tyre, duke promovuar marrëdhëniet e tregtisë me...

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American Chamber attends a hearing on the Law on Chambers

On October 4th, the Parliamentary Committee for Production Activities, Trade and Environment organized a hearing with the various Chambers of Commerce...

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Dhoma Amerikane e Tregtisë shpreh shqetësimin e thellë për dëmin e shkaktuar ndaj një investimi amerikan në qytetin e Korçës, konkretisht kompanisë AB...

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American Independence Celebration – Registration Process is closed!



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General Assembly Meeting 2017

General Assembly Meeting 2017 (1)

AmCham organized the Elections for the President of the Board and introduces AmCham Business Index (ABI) 2016-2017. The American Chamber of Commerce i...

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Business Forum with the General Director of Taxes

Business Forum with General Tax Director (17)

AmCham Albania meets with the General Director of Taxes, Ms. Vasilika Vjero The American Chamber of Commerce organized a Business Forum with the Gener...

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Business Forum of AmCham Albania with the General Director of Customs, Ms. Belinda Ikonomi

Forum with Customs (11)

The annual meeting of AmCham Albania and its members with the General Director of Customs is by now a valuable tradition for both institutions. This y...

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Business Forum with Deloitte Albania

Business Forum with Deloitte Albania (10)

AmCham Business Forum in collaboration with Deloitte Albania “Business solutions through information management” How to manage the busines...

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Business Forum with the Municipality of Tirana

Business Forum with Municipality of Tirana (15)

AmCham speaks for local taxes with the Municipality of Tirana The American Chamber of Commerce has organized a Business Forum with the Municipality of...

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