How to choose the right talent during the pandemic
HR departments have been given a great responsibility by their companies during the pandemic — to be the filters and guides in finding and developing the right human capital. AmCham Albania and Blerina Krantja, a NOA expert, spoke to AmCham members about the best strategies HR departments should implement to choose the right talent under the difficult conditions posed by the pandemic. A good recruitment strategy, led by qualified staff and monitoring processes are all part of the successful selection of new talent.
Ms. Krantja, who serves as HR director at NOA, explained in detail what her department has done to adapt to the current conditions of doing business to fulfill the company’s needs to attract new talent. A strong company profile — as well as constant communication with its audience to promote the company’s values, beliefs and the right reasons why professionals should join the company — have helped NOA’s HR department be successful in its recruiting efforts.
Ms. Krantja suggested to AmCham members that during this period they should be careful to build recruitment strategies that include their existing employees through incentives offered to them. Utilizing the most experienced staff members and encouraging them to talk about the company’s values can bring together elements that not only increase the company’s reputation but also help in attracting valuable human capital.
In the discussion with AmCham members following her presentation, Ms. Krantja provided some more tips to help properly guide HR department employees in conducting recruitment processes. Redefining job profiles for open positions, and an active communication and marketing strategy combined with technology, are important. HR managers conducting interviews should also pay close attention to the process. Creating an appropriate atmosphere, asking the right questions as well as providing a proper presentation of the company as a workplace — all play a role in having a successful recruitment process.