ABI Bank, the Municipality of Tirana and AmCham Albania volunteered on Thanksgiving Day to be near to people in need
AmCham Albania joined for the second year the initiative of ABI Bank and the Municipality of Tirana to help the members of the Social Center No. 6 in Tirana to celebrate together Thanksgiving Day. This tradition begun last year and got consolidated with offering the Thanksgiving Lunch to the members of this center.
Mr. Andi Ballta, the CEO of ABI Bank, the Deputy Mayor of Tirana, Mr. Arbian Mazniku and the President of AmCham Albania, Mr. Mark Crawford, planted together a lime tree in the garden of the Social Center, as a sign of friendship and solidarization with this center.
The participants discussed in advance with the Director of the Center, Mrs. Mimoza Agalliu and were introduced closely to the issues that this center addresses, their needs and how can the business community help this center keeping ahead its mission. The CEO of ABI Bank, Mr. Andi Ballta, speaking to the Director of the Center, was informed on the developments over a year and the needs they have.
Volunteering was the base of this event, organized by ABI Bank and the Municipality of Tirana and aimed to provide the Thanksgiving Lunch for those who are more in need. The heads of these three institutions served the lunch to the people that receive social help in this Center.