Teuta Durrës
- Representative: Arben Babameto
- Membership: Big Business
- Address: Lagjja15, Rr. "Aleksandër Goga", Kodi Postar 2001, Durrës
- Contact: [email protected]
- Website: https://www.teutadurres.com
- Main Business Activity: Import-Export, Production and Trade of Food Items

Company Overview: Founded in 1994, Teuta Durrës operates in two main sectors: packing and distribution of food products. Its activity has been focused in the field of import-export, production and distribution of food goods such as rice, sugar, flour, beans, starch, sunflower oil, etc. Advantage of the company's work is continuous improvement of production technology, high raw material quality, uninterrupted product range and better market management.