Ring Telecom Sh.p.k.
- Representative: Krenar Xhaferi
- Membership: Big Business
- Address: Rruga Ismail Qemali 22/4, Tirana
- Contact: [email protected]
- Website: https://www.ringtc.com
- Main Business Activity: Telemarketing Services. Call Center, Marketing, Customer Service, Telesales.

Company Overview: Ring Telecom offices located in Tirana-Albania and headquarters in New York – U.S.A. Telemarketing and Telesales outbound services implies direct phone contact between the agent and customer or prospect, in order to promote the products or services, and finalizing the sale. With Ring Telecom team of experienced business process outsourcing (BPO) management, skilled agents, and state-of-the-art technology, you can shift your back-office operations to our outsourcing centre Get accuracy and speed at a fraction of what you are currently spending. Our highly trained, college-educated agents can perform a range of office tasks to support your business.