Miell Tirana Sh.a.

  • Representative: Roland Hysa
  • Membership: Patron
  • Address: Blv. Teodor Keko, Rr. Agim Qarri, Nr. 14, Tirana
  • Contact: info@mielltirana.com
  • Website: https://www.mielltirana.com
  • Main Business Activity: Production and Trade of Food Grade Flour

Company Overview: “Miell Tirana” s.a is a flour mill specialized in the production of flour for the population. This company is founded in the year 1995 as a result of privatization of “Ex state factory for grain processing”. “Miell Tirana” s.a is a leader in the Albanian market and a good example of thoroughly transformation of an ex state factory who was failed into a company with modern technology and very competitive in a free global market.