Junik Sh.p.k.
- Representative: Dedë Malutaj
- Membership: Patron
- Address: Lagjja SMT, Rr. Vëllezërit Haradinaj, (pranë Drejtorisë Pyjore), Lezhë
- Contact: [email protected]
- Website: https://www.junikshpk.com
- Main Business Activity: Construction, Trade and Services

Company Overview: JUNIK Sh.p.k. is a leading company in the field of construction in Albania that has been operating for more than 25 years. The company enables the rehabilitation of water supplies, sewerage systems, water treatment systems, road infrastructure works, special structural works, civil and residential buildings construction with advanced parameters and conditions; tourism and commerce, interior design and furnishing services, professional education. JUNIK Sh.p.k. operates in this fields from the very first process of work like projecting, till the last process that needs to be done, with it's own units of duraluminium, plastics, gypsum, painting, wood works, furniture, electrical unit, air-conditioning and ventilation, paying particular attention to the details and quality of products and services, providing high standards, function, durability as well as comfort.