Digital School
- Representative: Grant Van Cleve
- Membership: Small Business & NGOs
- Address: Kompleksi Kika 2, Rruga Anton Lufi, Ndërtesa 32, Hyrja 3, 1022, Tirana
- Contact: [email protected]
- Website:
- Main Business Activity: Information Technology. Education Technology. Startups and Innovation. Software products and Development; Talent bridge between different job markets.

Company Overview: Digital School/ Shkolla Digjitale is the world's best youngsters Programming Learning Platform moving young generation from 8-18 forwards such that they finish high school already prepared for as Computer Science Engineers. Their focus lies in teaching programming logic so that new programmers become independent in any programming language they will need to use in their future. Digital School has become a Franchise for the local and international markets, such as in Slovenia, Germany, the USA, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mexico, Morocco, and Brazil. Digital School is a course accredited by the National Qualifications Authority; in which case it issues accredited certificates entitled "Junior Programmer".