AmCham Albania is the voice of U.S. and Albanian business interests in Albania and works towards specific economic development incentives, more effective import and export support policies and a better business infrastructure and climate.

Being an AmCham member empowers businesses to lobby in a group with leading companies, to extend networking to influential circles and to participate in events tailored to their needs.



AmCham lobbies successfully on behalf of its members with the Albanian Government. It is determined to continue to be a serious contributor to the public discussion on fiscal and economic policies in Albania, being a strong voice in protecting the interests of its members and the Albanian business community in general.

It also serves as a forum for international visitors who wish to address Albanian business and political leaders. The Chamber is working to build a better business climate and increase incentives for foreign investors in Albania.


AmCham provides a venue where U.S. and Albanian businesses can network, look for business partners and acquire information on specific business opportunities.

AmCham is committed to promote business for its members by organizing events that allow them to establish contacts among themselves, as well as help them to meet up with important guests.

Business development

AmCham gives the opportunity to its members to develop and introduce their businesses by utilizing the network created within the Chamber. At the same time, members can develop their businesses by benefiting from their participation in business forums, meetings with heads of institutions, business-after-hours events, B2B meetings in Albania and in the region and trade missions to U.S. and/or Europe.

AmCham Albanian offers four levels of membership. Following your interest and application, your membership shall be approved by the AmCham Board of Directors. Once the membership is formally approved, you become a member with full access to the unique values the AmCham network provides.

Membership Categories

Basic Benefits

Business Benefits

Advertising Benefits


Companies from the List of Top 200 VIPs

150,000 ALL

Join AmCham

• Free processing of membership application and registration (Three representatives)

• Invitation to all regular events (e.g. Business Forums, Networking Events, Training & Professional Development Workshops, etc.)

• Eligible for election to the Board of Directors/ Member of a Committee and/or Ad-Hoc Working Group

• Voting rights (One) 

• Membership Certificate stating exclusive Member Category and Confirmation Letter

• Assistance with application documents and logistical arrangements for trade fairs travel to U.S. (against a fee and in cooperation with the U.S. Embassy - to start within 2019)

• Participation at CEOs Forum. Eligible to host a meeting of the CEOs Forum and the right to introduce its business. The “Number 1” of the company must be part of this Forum

• Annual meeting with high government officials to discuss the sectors policies that affect these businesses

• Specific Business Forum tailored to their needs

• Working Breakfast in a group of expert level (once a year against a fee)

• Specific trainings or informative sessions to enhance their capacity in recognition of the legislations, procedures, new financing techniques etc.

• Collaboration in specific projects or lobbying for the sector where they belong

• Company contact details, Logo & profiling in AmCham's Year Book. Year Book is distributed both to members and international organizations and foreign missions

• Logo of the company in every AmCham’s magazine edition

• Company contact details & Logo on AmCham website

• One-time member introduction on AmCham's website and magazine (new members department, when it first joins)

• Sponsorship opportunities for AmCham events (various packages are possible)

Big Businesses

Companies with an annual turnover of 14,000,000 ALL and above annually

75,000 ALL

Join AmCham

• Free processing of membership application and registration (Two representatives)

• Invitation to all regular events (e.g. Business Forums, Networking Events, Training & Professional Development Workshops, etc.)

• Eligible for election to the Board of Directors/ Member of a Committee and/ or Ad-Hoc Working Group

• Voting rights (One) 

• Membership Certificate and Confirmation Letter

• Assistance with application documents and logistical arrangements for trade fairs travel to U.S. (against a fee and in cooperation with the U.S. Embassy)

• Working Breakfast in a group of expert level.

• Specific Business Forum tailored to their needs

• Specific trainings or informative sessions to enhance their capacity in recognition of the legislations, procedures, new financing techniques etc.

• Collaboration in specific projects or lobbying for the sector where they belong.

• Company contact details & Logo in AmCham's Year Book. Year Book is distributed both to members and international organizations and foreign missions

• Company contact details & Logo on AmCham website

• One-time member introduction on AmCham's website and magazine (new members department, when it first joins)

• Sponsorship opportunities for AmCham events (various packages are possible)

Small Businesses & NGOs

Companies with an annual turnover of less than 14,000,000 ALL annually

45,000 ALL

Join AmCham

• Free processing of membership application and registration (One representative)

• Invitation to all regular events (e.g. Business Forums, Networking Events, Training & Professional Development Workshops, etc.)

• Eligible for election to the Board of Directors/ Member of a Committee and/ or Ad-Hoc Working Group

• Voting rights (One)

• Membership Certificate and Confirmation Letter

• Specific trainings or informative sessions to enhance their capacity in recognition of the legislations, procedures, new financing techniques etc.

• Collaboration in specific projects or lobbying for the sector where they belong

• Company contact details in AmCham's Year Book. Year Book is distributed both to members and international organizations and foreign missions

• Company contact details & Logo on AmCham website

• One-time member introduction on AmCham's website and magazine (new members department, when it first joins)

• Sponsorship opportunities for AmCham events (various packages are possible)

Associates (Individuals, Start-Ups & Non-Residents)

No turnover requirement

32,500 ALL

Join AmCham

• Free processing of membership application and registration (One representative)

• Invitation to all regular events (e.g. Business Forums, Networking Events, Training & Professional Development Workshops, etc.)

• Membership Certificate and Confirmation Letter

• No Voting rights

• Specific trainings or informative sessions to enhance their capacity in recognition of the legislations, procedures, new financing techniques etc.

• Company contact details in AmCham's Year Book. Year Book is distributed both to members and international organizations and foreign missions

• Company contact details & Logo on AmCham website

• One-time member introduction on AmCham's website and magazine (new members department, when it first joins)

• Sponsorship opportunities for AmCham events (various packages are possible)